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This text is about complex trauma, also known as developmental trauma or C-PTSD, it’s relational aspect and how it differers…
Often times feelings of shame and trauma can be intertwined so it would make sense that if we feel shame,…
It’s what happens in our nervous system as a result of the stress response not completing that causes issues. Stress…
Sister, woman, goddess who knows, we don’t have to compete with each other. We don’t have to mistrust or envy…
For some time now, the goddesses have been calling to me, particularly the archetype associated with the “wild” woman. I…
Yoga practice isn’t only about the physical yoga shapes. The word yoga comes from “yuj” in Sanskrit meaning to unite…
Do you have a self practice, or do you only go to yoga classes? Or maybe you like both? We…
Nie zaczęłam praktykować Jogi bo chciałam zmieniać życie lub być uduchowiona. Znalazłam jogę przez przypadek. Było to w czasie, gdy…
I found yoga by accident, I didnt start practicing to get enlightened. At the time I was really into going…